In this guide, we’ll cover a few top tips on how to keep your garden beautiful over the coming months with some fresh ideas for planting and entertaining over winter.

Brighten up

Hanging some string lights adds character and charm to any garden, especially as we approach Christmas. Whether you choose lovely lanterns, fashionable festoon bulb lights or twinkling string lights, a flash of colour is guaranteed to make your outdoor area a cosy space for entertaining. If you’re willing to wrap up warm with a blanket or two, why not make the most of your garden with an outdoor pizza oven? This trend is incredibly social, bringing friends and families together to enjoy a much-loved Italian classic.

Keep it tidy

Garden maintenance is an often-essential activity, preventing drain blockages and expensive repairs to your home and land in future. Before starting any extensive maintenance, look carefully at your financial situation and how it will fare for the duration of the project so you can plan accordingly. Whether you’re rearranging your greenhouse or removing overgrown, rampant weeds, there are plenty of opportunities for making space in your garden. Seeing winter as a blank canvas for the warmer seasons could help you to plan ahead. Start by clearing your lawn, attending to any patches of wilting grass with products to boost its longevity and springtime bloom. Pop on a pair of protective gardening gloves and get elbow-deep in a new vegetable plot or raised bed. Hardy vegetables, including broccoli, cabbages, kale, leeks, and parsnips, should all stand strong through winter and offer a nutritious selection of home-grown produce to be proud of. Also read: Beginner’s Guide to Start a Vegetable Garden from Scratch

Plant evergreens

While many deciduous tree species in the UK lose their leaves over winter, you can still see luscious green in your garden with a coniferous plant. Evergreen shrubs, including holly and yew, could even add a characterful splash of festive colour to your garden. For a delightful scent throughout winter, consider flowering winter plants like viburnum, witch hazel and daphne, or opt for a beautiful winter iris instead. There’s plenty of room for creativity in your garden over winter – if you don’t mind the cold!

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